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Health and Safety Policy Statement

This Statement of General Policy on health, safety and welfare at work and of the organisation and procedures for carrying out the Policy Statement, is made under Section 2 (3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, and is brought to the notice of all employees and contractors undertaking the services of (The Company). 

This Statement recognises the Company’s obligations under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 with the Company’s approach to Health and Safety based on the clauses set out in the OHSAS18001 standard.

During the conducting of the Company’s activities it will ensure that it:

  • Protects the health, safety and welfare of its employees and others that may be affected by its activities

  • Limits adverse effects on and adjacent to the area in which those activities are carried out

  • Meets its responsibilities as an employer to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent accidents, injuries, ill health and damage


The Company will also, so far as is reasonably practicable:

  • Provide and maintain safe working environments that are without risks to health, safety and welfare.

  • Safeguard employees and others from reasonably foreseeable hazards connected with work activities, processes and working systems

  • Train all employees to be aware of their own responsibilities in respect of relevant health and safety matters and ensure they participate in the prevention of accidents.

  • Ensure that contractors undertaking work for the Company are informed of the relevant standards required and are monitored to ensure compliance without detracting from the contractors’ legal responsibilities to comply with statutory requirements

  • Promote good health amongst employees and be concerned with the prevention of occupational and non-occupational disorders.

  • Co-operate with appropriate authorities and organisations to ensure policies are updated and Standards reviewed to reflect best practice

  • That clear health and safety objectives are set and regularly monitored

Senior management commit to comply with requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of our Health and Safety Management System and Culture.

Tracy Barlow
Managing Director
Tracy Barlow Consultants
Dated: 12.11.2018

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